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Updating PHP-version

You can manage the PHP-version that you use on the webhost. Option affects only the host you make the selection to, and affects all the sites on the same host.

1. Select show order information under orders headline.

2. Pick the host you want to modify

3. Scroll down the page to “Select PHP-version”.

Select the PHP-version you want to use and klick “update”. Do note, that changing this setting affects all the websites on this host. This selection shouldn’t take more than an hour to update.

I updated the PHP-version and it broke my site, what now?

Updating the PHP-version can broke your website, if you use code that isn’t compliant with the version on the webhost. In example, if your site uses PHP 5.6 and you update your settings to PHP 7.

You can revert back to the old PHP version, by selecting the old version from the drop down menu. This update takes a while and website should be back to normal. After this you need to contact your website manager , so the PHP code can be updated. This is important, if you use PHP 5.6, this version will be dropped in the future, and it doesn’t recieve security updates after 31.12.2018.

For security and performance reasons, we recommend that you use the latest PHP-version on your website.

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