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Email FAQs

How do i create an email?

How to create email on Käyttöönotto-ohje

How do i change my password?

Do note, some webmails don’t support scandic letters, so don’t use those on passwords!

Option 1

User has an ability to change their password on their own. Link to email management page:

Option 2

User has forgotten their password. Only an admin can change the password in this situation. Password has to be changed in the control panel, found under manage services – email settings. Select the domain, which your email uses. Then select the mailbox you want to edit.

How to activate out of office reply?

Only the user of the mailbox can activate out of office. Activating this feature can be done at email management:

How do i read my emails?

You can either read your email from webmail, or on email software . You can use multiple email software and read webmail at the same time.

Webmail can be found HERE.

Email server settings can be found HERE

How do i add a forwarding?

You can forward the mail you get to another email from email management page:

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