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Closing a web page

If necessary, you can close the site in a number of different ways.

Method 1. Convert the site file permissions to 100 (CHMOD). When you do this, the browser only shows the user a blank page. The site can also be easily restored by editing the permissions back to 705.

  1. Connect to the web host with the FTP program of your choice.
  2. Change the permissions on the site’s root directory to 100.

Method 2. WordPress add-on. Closing a site with an add-on allows you to tell users about closing a site with text and various graphical elements. It is also easy to reopen the site by disabling the add-on.

  1. Select the “Maintenance Mode” add-on you want from the WordPress add-on archive.
  2. Install and activate the add-on.
  3. Add the content you want to your add-on settings, such as “Site is closed” and post your changes.

Method 3. Delete the site files. When you do this, the browser displays a blank index page with an empty directory listing. When done this way, the site cannot be easily restored.

  1. Connect to the web host with the FTP program of your choice.
  2. Delete the site files from the root directory.


Method 4. You can also hide a site by removing records from the domain name service. This will only work if the domain name services are hosted by us.

Deleting name server records will show users the “Domain is reserved for our customer” page.

  1. In Control Panel, go to Manage Services – DNS settings – DNS records.
  2. To delete the A and AAAA records for the domain, select “Delete” for them and click “Yes” to confirm the deletion.



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